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Shirish Agarwal

Founder AT Flow20 UK

Obsessed with PPC and SEO since 2005. Founder of Flow20, a Digital Marketing agency in the UK. Obsessed with analysing data and finding ways to convert traffic into revenue.


Getting Low Quality Leads from Your Facebook Ads

Getting Low Quality Leads from Your Facebook Ads? Here's What To Do

If you have been running Facebook ads for a while and are even generating leads from it but finding that lead quality isn‘t great or that they are not quite converting at a similar conversion rate to your Google Ads, this guide is for you. See my three advanced tactics to sky-rocket your lead quality from Facebook ads.
Jun 14, 2019
Google Ads Mistakes and How To Avoid them

9 Common (and Costly) Google Ads Mistakes and How To Avoid them

Think you know how to set up the perfect Google Ads campaign? Let’s take a closer look at 9 common Google Ads mistakes that most new campaigns fall prey to and discuss how you can avoid them. See if you are making one of these deceptively common mistakes, and learn strategies and techniques to fix them.
Aug 17, 2018